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45 Statistics For a Small Business in 2024

Despite its self-reliance, being a small business has its challenges. It’s not always easy running a small business, especially since they’re reliant on many other factors to ensure success. This article looks at some of the statistics that can help small businesses make vital decisions.

Statistics for a small business

In this day and age, nine in ten organizations are small businesses.

There are countless companies around the world that have small businesses.

Less than one-in-ten small business leaders surveyed predict that their businesses will grow in the next few years.

Above 50% of all commercial space is taken up by small businesses.

Although the number of U.S. small businesses has doubled since 1982, there are still many obstacles for business owners to overcome (i.e., cash flow, finance, and time).

In the US, 99.9% of all businesses are small businesses.

Small businesses in the US are generally defined by the number of employees.

“Small business” is a broad term. It includes anything from a sole proprietorship to any enterprise that employs fewer than 50 people worldwide.

In Australia, small businesses are those with fewer than 15 employees.

Starting a Small Business

One small business in five is started when someone takes the leap and starts their own company privately.

If you’re planning to launch a small business, there’s a lot of information you’ll need in order to make informed decisions. E.g. If you want to start a business related to crypto you just need information about crypto taxes regulation.

“70% of small businesses will be based on information.”

“If you’re planning to launch a small business, there is an abundance of information you’ll need for informed decisions.”

When it comes to startup businesses, approximately 70% are operated within the service industry.

Small businesses with a budget of $25,000 start 58% of the time.

The key to small business success is to think creatively, be flexible and stick to a budget. In 2013, the highest percentage of small businesses reported undergoing a start-up period of less than one year.

Starting a home-based small business costs just $2000-5000.

It’s interesting to note that almost 30% of business owners who started their business during the Covid pandemic said they wouldn’t open a physical store. So they can have online business by developing their own website with proper conversion rate optimization over it so they can utilize it in a better way and also use saas seo tools for it.

Despite the Zika pandemic, small businesses continued to thrive in the US.

Younger entrepreneurs are more likely to start a business because they have a passion for their niche.

Young adults are much more likely to work in a side hustle and start working full-time or part-time during their late teenage years and early twenties.

Statistics for Small Businesses Employment

The prevalence of small businesses in the US has been on the rise for quite some time now, and this also includes their employment rates.

Small businesses that have just a few employees are the norm, with nearly nine in ten (88%) hiring fewer than 20 employees.

Small businesses play a large role in the economy.

Businesses with fewer than 100 employees created 1.6 million new jobs in 2020.

As reported by Forbes, only 23.3% of home businesses have paid employees.

60.1% of all small businesses that have no paid staff have their home office as their base.

Small businesses are having a hard time attracting and retaining the talent they need. According to a recent survey, more than half of small businesses feel like it’s challenging to hire good employees.

35% of small business owners believe the employment market is getting harder for them to find good employees.

In the next few years, remote work will increase for small businesses by 13.5%. So they needs to make workflow automation to maintain their productivity.

Contribution of Small Business

Formal small businesses contribute about 40% of the national income in developing countries.

Many small businesses are looking to start small and make their fortunes with success.

The majority of small business owners (about 65%) are struggling financially when they try to start their own business.

Small businesses in the United States typically borrow $10,000 to start their companies.

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The average small business owner in the US gets to spend only $64,709 each year.

A recent survey conducted by Small Business Trends shows that 46% of consumers are more likely to shop at a small business than a large, national brand.

Small Business Challenges

One out of every seven small businesses will not meet their financial needs each year.

93% of all new small businesses will only be here for a maximum of 18 months before going bankrupt.

1 in 12 small businesses will close every year, which is a huge financial burden for those involved.

About a quarter of all small businesses fail within twelve months; 20% have failed within six months.

Small businesses often have trouble generating enough revenues and have a hard time keeping cash in the bank. Lack of sales and lack of profits are the main reasons why these small companies will shut down.

A whopping 42% of small businesses fail because there is no or limited demand for their product or service.

More than one-third of small businesses (37%) witnessed a significant dip in revenue during the Covid pandemic.

Small businesses have the power to thrive in the midst of a widespread pandemic, although they should expect an approximately 4% chance of closing due to the pandemic.

-Cannot be used with numbers-

Even on such a small scale, 59% of small businesses were affected in some way, and around 30% of them were forced to close for good.

As a small business owner, you need to be constantly adapting to keep your business alive.

In fact, 70% of small businesses that try to grow too quickly will likely close in their first decade.

When a small business is struggling to pay for operating costs, it’s worried about food and rent.

If 86% of businesses lost two months’ worth of revenue, they would need to find a new source of income or cut costs.

Despite the trend towards more independent companies, more than two-in-five small businesses (40%) are burdened with significant debts.

Conducted by Small Business Owner Profiles

Business owners often start their own businesses when they want more control and flexibility than the corporate environment could offer (29%).

It’s important for a small business to identify opportunities in the market in order to stand out. Just 12% of businesses get up and running because the owner sees an opportunity

Small business owners in the 39-54 age range make up 44% of all small businesses.

As a percentage of small businesses, people 55 to 75 own more than 41% of them.

When it comes to small businesses, only 12% of them in the USA are run by people younger than 38.

More than half of small business owners have graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree or higher.

Small businesses are unique and the way that they operate is vital. Having a Master’s degree will give you even more opportunities to succeed.

Forty-one percent of small business owners say they work during the day and night.

Small businesses are busy with work and life, but they still value their time to spend doing what they love. Nine in ten (89%) small business owners say that they would “work on the weekends.”

More than four in ten businesses are more than 40 hours per week.

Nearly every small business owner (92%) feels tremendously happy with their decision to start a company.

One surprising fact is that some of the most successful business owners are over 55 years old. However, they don’t actually have employees.

Technology and Statistics for Small Business

The percentage of small businesses that use online platforms to share their products and services is 45.84%.

Almost three-fifths of marketers (79%) are using timeline templates to plan, communicate with, and collaborate with both suppliers and customers.

Big businesses have continued to beat small businesses in the marketing field.

One in three small businesses prioritize CRM platforms over other technologies. And doing cold outreach on Linkedin to make it more aggressive.

A small business with a strong focus on technology will see two or three times the revenue per employee and experience 400% greater revenue growth.

Small businesses have higher levels of risk for experiencing data breaches than large companies. Because of that, it’s best for them to implement solutions like device management and data security management.


Small businesses are important to the world’s economy. They employ more people and contribute to the national wealth. But being a small business owner isn’t easy, as owners often endure long hours and make a success of their brand. Small businesses have to scale their needs to make it more productive and bulk junk removal so that makes business more energetic.

About the author


Nohan Dupont is a 21 year old blogger from Belgium. He writes about latest websites, software, games alternatives and home products available in the market.